Photography by Marilyn Price

Oregon 2003

May 14 - 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 28 - 30
Thursday, May 22, 2003

Moving day. After packing the cars, we headed back to Bandon Beach again for a short shoot and breakfast.

Then back to the Cape Arago area to stop in at Shore Acres Garden State Park. Very nice garden with lots of rhododendrons and azaleas. I could have easily spent more time there.

Azalea Pink snapdragon Rhododendron garden with red bridge, Shore Acres Garden State Park, OR

The three photos above were taken at Shore Acres Garden State Park. The one on the left is an azalea blossom. The center features a pink snapdragon. The right photo shows some of the rhododendron garden with a red bridge and shows just how lush this garden is.

The lighthouse of Umpqua Light, OR We also stopped to shoot Umpqua Lighthouse (photo on the left) on our way to Florence, where the next motel was located.

After checking into the hotel, a very nice one with a rustic touch, we headed for the sand dunes nearby. These cover several acres.

Our first stop had us climbing a very high line of dunes, about a 75 foot scramble from the parking lot, then over the top to an endless beach. We just walked on the beach for a while, collecting shells and talking. Our shoes stayed at the crest of the dune... Finally turned back to the van and went over to another area, where the dunes were a little more inland.

Packs were lightened to bare necessities and we headed into the heart of these dunes. It was like walking onto a set for Lawrence of Arabia or something. Very extensive dunes. Nice photo opportunities. We spent most of the remainder of the day here. The next nine photos were taken on these extensive dunes.

Sand dunes and sea grasses, South Jetty and Dunes, near Florence, OR Animal tracks in the sand Wind swept trees

The photo on the left above shows some of the sea grasses and dunes with a river that marks one edge of this area. The center photo shows some animal tracks in the sand. The photo on the right shows some wind swept trees that dominated the highest point of the area.

Sand dunes, South Jetty and Dunes, near Florence, OR Photographers and sand dunes, South Jetty and Dunes, near Florence, OR Tracks in the sand

The photo on the left shows some of the shapes these dunes take on with the wind. The center photo shows three members of our group shooting the sand dune formations. The photo on the right shows the tracks made in the sand by the seed pod that rolled down the face of the dune, then was blown around by this clump of grass.

Sand dunes and wind swept trees Sand dunes, South Jetty and Dunes, near Florence, OR Footprints in the sand

The photo on the left above shows the wind shaped sand dunes with the wind swept trees behind them. The center photo is almost an abstract vision of the sand dunes. The photo on the right is a photographer's boot tracks as she drags her tripod up another sand dune. These last two are my favorites from the day.

As sunset neared, we headed back to the dunes along the shore, where we again climbed to the crest. This would be the only night that we got sunset shots. We could have used a few more nice, puffy clouds to catch the reds and oranges, but it was a fun day.

Sea grasses and sand dune Evening comes to the beach, South Jetty and Dunes, near Florence, OR

The two photos above were taken from this area of the South Jetty. The photo on the left shows the grasses and dunes near twilight. The photo on the right shows the beach and ocean as sunset nears.

Sunset, Pacific Ocean Sunset, Pacific Ocean

The two photos above were taken just minutes apart. Sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
