Photography by Marilyn Price

Oregon 2003

May 14 - 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 28 - 30
Tuesday, May 20, 2003

The day started early, as is usual for our photo trips.

We spent most of this day south of Port Orford, continuing almost to the California border before turning back.

Most of the day was spent at Cape Sebastian, which has some very nice sea stacks. Pictures of the sea stacks, crashing waves, and tide pools dominated the day.

Cape Sebastian, OR Cape Sebastian, OR Cape Sebastian, OR

The three photos above are different views of the beach at Cape Sebastian, showing the different sea stack formations found there.

There was also a nice shot of the road bordering the beach. To get that shot requires a climb up a nearby hill. Two of my better ones are shown below. This would turn out to be a very physical trip...

Highway 101 and the sea stacks of Cape Sebastian, OR Highway 101 and the sea stacks of Cape Sebastian, OR

We also stopped at Whales Head Beach, Harris Beach, and some sand dunes near Cape Sebastian.

Harris Beach, OR Harris Beach, OR Harris Beach, OR

Harris Beach has a nice overlook looking down on the main beach. The three photos above were taken there.

A piece of driftwood on Harris Beach, OR Waves of the Pacific Ocean crash upon the rocks at Whale's Head Beach, OR

The photo on the left above was taken on Harris Beach and shows a nice piece of driftwood with the sea stacks. The photo on the right was taken at Whale's Head Beach and shows waves crashing against the rocks there.

Sand dunes at the ocean, Cape Sebastian, OR Sand dunes and driftwood, near Cape Sebastian, OR Sea grasses and sand dunes, Cape Sebastian, OR

The three photos above were taken at the sand dunes not far from Cape Sebastian.

Our most southern point was the town of Brookings, which has a very nice azalea garden. We wandered around that for a while as a change of pace.

We had planned on a sunset shoot at Cape Sebastian, but the clouds had built up and it was just hazy to the west. Sunset wound up fizzling that night.
