Photography by Marilyn Price

Our yard

April 10, 2008
June 26, 2008
August 2, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008

These are some photographs I took on this day. Most are from our backyard.

New flower beds, Kingsport, TN New flower beds, Kingsport, TN New flower bed near the heat pump, Kingsport, TN

The three photos above show some of the new flower beds we've recently added. The left two photos show the bed nearest the side of the deck while the right photo shows a small bed between the lower level window and the heat pump.

New flower bed near the heat pump, Kingsport, TN New flower beds, Kingsport, TN New flower beds, Kingsport, TN

The three photos above were taken from the deck, looking almost straight down onto the new flower beds.

Three different colors of echinacea Three different colors of echinacea Sunrise echinacea

The three photos above zoom in on the three new echinacea planted in the new deck flower beds. The left two show the three different colors I selected while the right one zooms in on the sunrise echinacea.

Straw flowers Part of the garden below the deck

The photo on the left above is a close-up of some strawflowers. The photo on the right shows another, older section of the flowerbed around the deck. This one has a lot of coleus and impatiens in it.

Yankee Doodle rose and gladiola Yankee Doodle rose and gladiola

The two photos above show a Yankee Doodle rose and a pink gladiola, both picked from our front yard. The photo on the left was taken with a flash and the one on the right without.